NSCP Health - GP near Bristol

A little bit of information about NSCP Health and how they help serve the Bristol and Avon community. If you are considering getting a hair transplant in Bristol, then a GP practice like NSCP Health is somewhere you can visit to make sure you are in good health in order to have an FUE hair transplant.

Who They Are

NSCP Health are an employee-owned social enterprise providing NHS community health services but are not an NHS organisation. They are free to compete for other contracts and provide other services to the community.

In October 2011 they separated from the NHS to become a social enterprise, providing public-funded health services. As a social enterprise their goal is to offer high-quality services as well as reinvesting profits back into the communities that they serve. This enables them to develop new services to address the needs of the community.

Services Provided by NSCP Health

They provide several community-based healthcare services, free to the people of North Somerset. THey employ over 600 people who have a wide range of health and therapeutic skills.

Anti-Bribery Statement

North Somerset Community Partnership CIC Limited is committed to applying the highest standards of conduct and integrity in its business activities and as such the Board of Directors has a zero tolerance to bribery.

A bribe is a financial advantage or other reward that is offered to, given to, or received by an individual or company to induce or influence that individual or company to perform public or corporate functions or duties improperly.

All employees, directors, officers, volunteers, agents, consultants, workers, suppliers, contractors and any other persons or companies acting for or on behalf of the company will follow the following Key Principles.

Key Principles

Employees and others (officers, agents, consultants or any other persons or companies) acting for or on behalf of the company shall not make, solicit or receive any bribes or unauthorised payments. The success of the company’s anti-bribery approach depends on all employees and those acting for the company playing their part in helping to detect and eradicate any potential for bribery in particular by reference to our key policies. These Key Principles are supported by five key policies: Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy, Conflicts of Interest, Scheme of Delegation, Procurement Policy and Gifts and Hospitality Policy.


nscp health values

Core Purpose

To develop healthy communities by providing caring, compassionate and responsive community health services to help people start their lives well, stay well, recover well and die with dignity and respect.

Social Value Pledge

Together we can achieve more:

They will promote healthy communities using the power of local people, community groups and social enterprises.

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